5 Tips for Partnering with Local Schools

If you're looking for ways to increase your impact in your community, consider partnering with your local schools! As schools prepare for back-to-school season and the return of teachers and students, your church or ministry can support families and your community in intentional ways. Here are 5 ways to build connections and partner with your local schools:  Ask and listen. Always connect with your local school administration first, asking if you can partner with the school and how you can support them. Share that you want to partner with the school and support their staff and students through prayer. Ask about the needs the school may have, and become familiar with the polices and procedures the school may have in place when it comes to faith organizations and faith conversations. Be ready to connect and listen. Do not assume you know their...

3 Back to School Games

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Use these games to add some fun & competition to your back-to-school event or lesson![/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Download printable version of all 3 games here! " align="center" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fdeeperkidmin.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F09%2FDKM-3-Back-to-School-Games-Freebie.pdf||target:%20_blank|"][vc_column_text] Lunch Box Race Supplies: 3 empty lunchboxes (or brown paper bags), four lunch items per lunchbox Set out three empty lunchboxes on one side of the stage and three piles of lunch supplies on the other. Each pile can have 4 lunch items, such as a pudding cup, a banana (or orange), a piece of bread, and a small bag of chips. Choose three students to race from their piles to the empty lunch boxes with one item at a time and see who can fill the lunchbox first. Just before they...

Mixed Feelings: Back-to-School Feelings Wheel Family Resource

The first day of school can bring lots of emotions to the surface. Share this simple resource with families to help them talk about those first-day feelings and find out what the Bible says about different emotions! Print copies for every child, and/or share the printable with them digitally! Download the resource here! Want to dive deeper into helping kids and families talk about their emotions this back-to-school season? We’ve got TWO resources to help! Learn more about each one below, and find all of our Back-to-School resources here! Mixed Feelings is an emotions-focused lesson all about those first-day feelings! By looking at Philippians 4:4-7 & John 14:27, kids will learn that God made us with emotions, He wants us to talk to Him about our emotions, and that no matter what we are feeling, we can ask...

My Favorite Promotion Sunday Tradition in Kids Ministry

Do you have any traditions or special ideas for back-to-school season or Promotion Sunday? Something you do every year that encourages kids to reflect on the past year but also get pumped for the year ahead? A special way to celebrate the start of a school year or moving to new ministry classes/small groups? My favorite back-to-school or Promotion Sunday tradition is much simpler than you might think: showing a picture slideshow or video that recaps the past year. This video or slideshow shares pictures and clips of special events, Sunday mornings, mid-week programs, etc. Set it to an upbeat worship song your kids loved from the year, and you're all set! I like to show this video recap on Promotion Sunday every year and use it as a launching point for small group discussion questions like: What was your favorite thing we did at church...

Separate the Beans: Back-to-School Object Lesson

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Use this hands-on object lesson to show kids that we can’t separate our spiritual lives from our school lives (or any other part of our lives). It's a great object lesson for your back-to-school season, and it encourages kids to think about including God in their everyday lives.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Download a Printable Version Here!" align="center" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fdeeperkidmin.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F07%2FDKM-Separate-the-Beans-Back-to-School-Object-Lesson.pdf|target:_blank"][vc_column_text]Supplies: Two bowls, two different colors of beans, two different colors of sand (or salt and pepper), some powdered drink mix (or a packet of Kool-Aid, or Splenda), a Cup of water, a spoon Details: Set out two bowls with different colored beans in each bowl (you can also do this...

School Year Faith Bucket List for Kids

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You have probably heard of a bucket list (earlier in the week we talked about making a bucket list for your ministry), but have you ever encouraged kids to make one for their school year that related to their faith in God? In this activity, kids will use the free printable and write down different things they can do to help grow their faith in God. On each clipboard is a different topic. They will use that clipboard to write down things they can do this school year to help grow their faith. After they fill it out, they can keep it in their Bible or hang it on the fridge or in their room so it will help remind them to do these things this school year.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Download the School Year Faith Bucket List Here!" align="center"...

Color Prayer Spinner: Back-to-School Prayer Activity

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Share this prayer activity with the kids and families in your ministry to help them start the school year with intentional prayer! Kids can make the spinners as part of a back-to-school activity/lesson at church or complete the entire thing at home.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Download the Color Prayer Spinner Back-To-School Prayer Activity Here!" align="center" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fdeeperkidmin.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F07%2FDKM-Color-Prayer-Spinner-Back-To-School-Prayer-Activity-For-Kids.pdf|target:_blank"][vc_column_text] Supplies (per child) Color Prayer Spinner Printable scissors brad/split pin paper clip coloring utensils How it works: Kids create the spinner, then spin it! Whatever color it lands on, kids pray that prompt and color in the wedge. They can do one wedge...

5 Ways to Celebrate Back-To-School Season in Your Ministry

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Knowing the rhythms of life for the families you serve and stepping into those rhythms to celebrate milestones is a key factor in connecting with your families. One of the biggest milestones each year is back-to-school season! So here are 5 ways to celebrate this important time in your children's ministry: Host a special event - Whether it's a family event like a Back to School Prayer Bash,  a Family Trivia Night, or a kids-only event that gives the parents a break (like our brand new science-themed Parents' Night Out), hosting a fun kick-of event for the Back to School Season is a great way to help families celebrate! You could even bring back some of the creative alternatives from last year during COVID-season, like the Drive Through Back-to-School Event that my church hosted! Equip families to...

Back to School Customizable Calendar

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Use this customizable Back to School Calendar to provide families with daily prompts to keep them connected to God and each other! The goal: each day’s activity should take five minutes or less. There are no dates on the calendar so you can begin and end whenever you want! Please note: The customizable feature will not show up on a mobile device. Read the Editable PDF instructions below for more details.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Click here to download the customizable Back to School Calendar!" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fdeeperkidmin.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F08%2FDKM-Back-to-School-Customizable-Calendar-Freebie.pdf||target:%20_blank|"][vc_column_text]Recommended Ideas for Daily Activities: Make each day of the week fit a specific theme or idea: Prayer Prompt Sundays (Tell God one thing...

Drive-Through Food Drive Back to School Event

Since we can't do our normal Back to School Bash this year (thanks COVID), we're getting creative with another idea instead! Our children's pastor wanted to find a fun way to distribute our Back to School Kits to families while also helping our food pantry stock up on the most-needed items for the year ahead. So she came up with Drive Away Hunger: A Drive-Through Food Drive Event!  What is it? Drive Away Hunger is a back to school event that helps us connect with our people and also gives back to the community. It's a drive-through food drive where families bring donations for our food pantry, and they also pick up a Back to School Kit and an ice cream treat! How will it work? Church members of all ages are invited to drive through the church parking lot and drop off their donations anytime between 6:30-8:00 PM on Wednesday, August 19....

Back to School Survival Kits

Making back to school survival kits are the perfect opportunity for you to connect with the families in your ministry as they head back to school. With so much uncertainty and diversity in back-to-school plans, a Back to School Survival Kit can be a great opportunity to provide families with simple ways to connect with God and each other! The point of the survival kit is to provide families with items they’ll need to “survive” the school year. You can include a spiritual element like the freebie calendar we'll share on Friday, August 21, this Back to School Prayer Journal for Kids, or this full Back to School Survival Kit that includes a family devotional and the list of ideas below. But you can also include physical items that offer practical help and encouragement. Here are some ideas for packing and distributing your Back to School...

Back to School Teacher Treat Bag Activity

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Use this back-to-school activity to invite kids to write a note to their new teacher + make a little goody bag for them! It’s a great way to encourage kids to pray for their teachers and do something special for the first day of school.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Download the Back To School Teacher Treat Bag Printable Here!" align="center" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fdeeperkidmin.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F09%2FDKM-Back-To-School-Teacher-Treat-Bags.pdf||target:%20_blank|"][vc_column_text]Supplies: Pages 2-3 of this printable, pens, goody bag items, stapler, ziplock bags Details: In this activity, kids will write a note to their new teacher (using page 2) and tell them they are looking forward to the new year. They can also put together a goody bag with items like ink pens, highlighters, post...

Lunch at School Printable

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Visiting kids for lunch at school is something I wish I had done more of as a children's pastor. So when I saw a friend (and former college suitemate - miss you!) post about this on her Facebook page, I knew I had to share it! Thanks Jill for the awesome idea! Earlier in the week we talked about helping local schools win, and one way was to follow their protocols. So when visiting the children in your ministry for lunch at school, use this week's printable to help make it easier on your families and your local schools.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Start Meeting Kids For Lunch at School!" align="center" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fdeeperkidmin.com%2Fproduct%2Flunch-at-school-printable%2F||target:%20_blank|"][vc_column_text]Here's how it works... 1. Print out one copy for every child in your ministry. 2....

5 Ways to Help Schools Win

As we start the new school year, here are 5 ways to help schools win. This blog post was written as a response and summary of Leslie Bosler's breakout session at OC18. Look for a win-win relationship. Too often, churches pursue a relationship with local schools for their own personal gain. But schools can smell that coming from a mile away. So rather than asking how partnering with the local schools can be a win for your church, ask how partnering with the local schools can be a win for the school. And if there’s a benefit only for the school, is that enough? Rather than expecting things from the school, hope things for the school. Action Steps: A school's win is often measured by numbers and metrics, so gain some credibility by doing research on the schools in your area and discover what their "wins" are. Look up their websites, mission...