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We are PUMPED you’re interested in submitting a leadership, admin, or text-based resource to the Deeper KidMin Marketplace! This could be anything from a budget template to a calendar organizer to a daily to-do checklist. These guidelines will help you modify the resource you’ve created so other KidMin leaders can use it with ease in their own ministries around the world.
The Basics
Adaptability and ease-of-use are important qualities for DKM Marketplace content. Feel free to keep your ministry name, logo, etc. in administrative content, as this will help give users the big picture, but all resources must be editable for the end user.
Text-based content should be submitted in Word documents* formatted using Century Gothic 12pt font for the body text and Century Gothic bolded, all-caps, 16pt font for titles. *If submitting a resource with extensive formatting, fonts, and graphics, a PDF version of this resource is acceptable, as long as the end user would not need to alter or customize the resource for use in their ministry.
Spreadsheets should be submitted in Excel documents formatted using Century Gothic 12pt font.
As you prepare your files for submission, be sure to look at it through the lens of someone who has not used it before and might be downloading it for use at the last minute. Write clear instructions, maybe even include a separate “how to use” document (labeled 1. How To Use (Read This First!).
If submitting multiple files, compress your files using a .zip file. Maximum upload file size is 250MB.
eBooks should be submitted in PDF, EPUB, or another widely-accepted eBook format. The content of the eBook should relate directly to children’s ministry leaders in some way, and its end purpose should be development or personal use by the leader (not a resource that is distributed to families within the ministry).
How To Increase Probability for Resource Approval
Follow these submission guidelines carefully.
Edit and submit clean, ready-to-go resources.
Offer part of the whole resource (a game, a printable, an object lesson, etc.) as a free resource in your store. This will not only help you gain approval but will give other KidMin leaders a taste of what your resource offers before they commit to purchasing from you.
Send a list of your free resources to Brittany at brittany@deeperkidmin to be included in the weekly Free Download schedule. This will help you get the word out about your resource and encourage KidMin leaders to download it.
Stay Legal: Any images (even fonts), wording, or ideas you use in the graphics must be your own creation or you must have permission to use them for commercial purposes.
If one of your resources is not approved the first time, make the recommended changes and submit it again!