Help your children review 30 Bible stories from the New Testament with this fun card game. The game includes 30 stories (186 cards) and can be played with as many or as few of the sets as you choose to create a longer or shorter game.
All cards are provided in color and in black and white for a total of 372 cards. Blank cards are also included for adding to the game. See a sample of Bible Story Card Game – New Testament here.
Recommended for kids ages 5-10.
Stories at a Glance:
- Announcements of the Angel
- Birth of Jesus
- Dedication of Jesus
- Visit of the Wise Men
- Flight to Egypt
- John Baptizes Jesus
- Jesus Chooses the 12
- Sermon on the Mount
- Jesus Heals the Centurion’s Servant
- Jesus Calms the Storm
- Jesus Walks on the Water
- Healing of the Paralytic
- The Sower and the Seed
- Jairus’ Daughter
- Jesus Feeds the 5,000
- The Good Samaritan
- The Prodigal Son
- Jesus and Zacchaeus
- Wedding at Cana
- The Woman at the Well
- Jesus Heals a Blind Man
- Jesus Raises Lazarus
- Palm Sunday
- The Last Supper and Gethsemane
- Trial and Crucifixion
- Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension
- Pentecost
- Peter and John Heal a Lame Man
- Saul Becomes Paul
- Paul and Silas in Prison
This download includes:
- 48-page download including two versions of the game (color & black and white) (PDF)
- Start Here Leader’s Guide/Instructions (.docx + PDF)
This product is a digital download, which means you will receive a link to download the files after completing the check-out process. Please note: It is too large of a file to view on a mobile device.
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