Rosemary Winbush is an author, blogger, leader, solutionist, producer, and inspirational speaker focusing on women, children, and families. She is gifted in helping others reach their maximum potential through self-evaluation, developing directional tracks, and producing results that yield success. Helping women, children, and families become successful in their personal lives is her primary goal. Rosemary has worked with children and families for more than 25 years. She has written published curriculum for the children and preteen ministry worship services and has built and led teams of more than 250 volunteers with specialized leadership skills. She has authored spiritually based help books and produced inspirational healing and affirmation albums. Rosemary has leveraged her expertise to assist families develop better home environments for exceptional spiritual and educational growth which promotes healthy living.
Rosemary is the founder and host of the BEST Me Program for elementary age students. Through this program, she is able to encourage students to explore their goals and to be their best. Rosemary is a trainer and coach to ministry leadership teams. She has developed networks and training outlets to reproduce excellence in various areas of ministry. Rosemary has presented at special workshops, conferences, and worship services. Rosemary’s experience includes associate pastoring and business management in the following areas: non-profit organizations, healthcare, insurance, marketing and human resources. She has written corporate training manuals, coached other speaking professionals and worked in marketing and public relations. Rosemary is a graduate of Miller Hawkins Business College, Jacksonville University, and holds numerous certifications, licensing, and affiliation positions.
Rosemary and her husband, Wyman, are certified marriage mentors and owners of Kairos International and WRW International, LLC, both companies are committed to educating, empowering, and inspiring individuals to reach their maximum and divine potential. They have three amazing adult children.
Vendor Biography
Rosemary Winbush is an author, blogger, leader, solutionist, producer, and inspirational speaker focusing on women, children, and families. She is gifted in helping others reach their maximum potential through self-evaluation, developing directional tracks, and producing results that yield success. Helping women, children, and families become successful in their personal lives is her primary goal. Rosemary has worked with children and families for more than 25 years. She has written published curriculum for the children and preteen ministry worship services and has built and led teams of more than 250 volunteers with specialized leadership skills. She has authored spiritually based help books and produced inspirational healing and affirmation albums. Rosemary has leveraged her expertise to assist families develop better home environments for exceptional spiritual and educational growth which promotes healthy living.
Rosemary is the founder and host of the BEST Me Program for elementary age students. Through this program, she is able to encourage students to explore their goals and to be their best. Rosemary is a trainer and coach to ministry leadership teams. She has developed networks and training outlets to reproduce excellence in various areas of ministry. Rosemary has presented at special workshops, conferences, and worship services. Rosemary’s experience includes associate pastoring and business management in the following areas: non-profit organizations, healthcare, insurance, marketing and human resources. She has written corporate training manuals, coached other speaking professionals and worked in marketing and public relations. Rosemary is a graduate of Miller Hawkins Business College, Jacksonville University, and holds numerous certifications, licensing, and affiliation positions.
Rosemary and her husband, Wyman, are certified marriage mentors and owners of Kairos International and WRW International, LLC, both companies are committed to educating, empowering, and inspiring individuals to reach their maximum and divine potential. They have three amazing adult children.