Attending conferences is great (I’m a conference junkie myself), but sometimes they can feel like trying to drink from a fire hose (scroll to the second image to see what I mean). There are just so many new ideas, new people, new resources, new everything! And as an introvert, just being around that many people 3 days in a row is exhausting.
So I use the process below on this free printable after every conference I attend to help me reflect on the week and focus on what it means for me as I head home. I hope it helps you reflect on your time at a conference too!
- Pray. Thank God for the week, for the time away, for the time to learn, grow, and connect. Ask for His guidance as you go home.
- Name, Date(s), & Location of Conference
- Look through your notes/handouts again, circling or highlighting some of your big takeaways.
- Write down a key phrase, word, theme, or idea that sums up the conference for you.
- Write down 3 things you learned.
- Write down 3 things you want to do or change as you go home. (Check: Do these items fit within the overall vision for your ministry? They may be great ideas, but do they further your specific ministry goals?)
- Write down 2 people you met with whom you want to stay connected.
- Share & discuss these thoughts with your team or a friend for accountability & encouragement.
When attending a conference with a team, I like to find a local coffee shop where we can all take 20-30 minutes to work through the process individually, then we’ll share our thoughts before getting on the road. I found that if we don’t do this BEFORE WE LEAVE the conference, it just never happens. Life and routine and Sunday prep takes over and you lose out on the time to talk about all of this together as a group.
This download includes:
- PDF printable of the post-conference reflection
This product is a digital download, which means you will receive a link to download the files after completing the check-out process.
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