“What kind of art does God make in heaven?” A Question about the Lord’s Prayer
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]One day we were learning about the Lord's Prayer. During large group time, we read it out loud, invited kids to read/say it with us, and went through the Lord's prayer, explaining the different parts.
When we got back to small group time, I asked the question: "Does anyone have any questions about today’s lesson? Anything that it made you wonder about?"
One 2nd grade girl said, “I wonder what kind of art God makes in heaven.”
And I said, “You know, that’s a good question, I wonder what kind of art He makes too. What made you think of that?”
She said, "Well you know, it says at the beginning of the prayer, our father, who art in heaven. I like to make art too.”
This elementary schooler, with her developmentally literal-thinking brain took that to mean "Our father, who does arts...