Don’t Ask For Volunteers, Invite Them

"I have more volunteers than I know what to do with." - Said no kidmin leader ever. Volunteers can be hard to come by, and it requires constant and consistent recruitment to add to your team. As you navigate what it looks like to build a team for your ministry, consider a subtle but intentional shift in the language you use: Rather than asking for volunteers to serve in your ministry, invite them into the story of what God is doing in your ministry. Think about the difference between an ask vs an invitation. An ask implies they're doing you a favor, while an invitation is something they want to be part of. An ask can be ambiguous with no definitive boundaries while an invitation provides clear details and descriptions. An ask communicates that you just need help - anybody's help, while an invitation shows a clear, specific place for that...

Volunteer Job Description Template

An effective job description should give your volunteer all the expectations of the position and allow them to decide if they can do it or not. This free job description template will help you create a top-notch volunteer description for any and every member of your team. Download the Volunteer Job Description Template Here! Want some of the work done for you? Check out our full Volunteer Job Description Template resource, which includes an editable version of this template, sample job descriptions for 12+ roles on your volunteer team, and explicit instructions and vision for creating rock-solid volunteer job descriptions. Download the full resource...

10 Posts to Read If You Want to Update Your Ministry Strategy

This week marks the 1st anniversary of the release of my book Time to Update: 7 Areas to Integrate Digital Discipleship into Your Children's Ministry Strategy, and we're celebrating with a giveaway + highlighting some of our favorite posts about digital discipleship from the last few years! If you want the full step-by-step guide and ideas for updating your ministry strategy to the next generation of digital natives, check out a copy of my book here, or get a little taste by browsing some of our top posts below that helped inspire the book! Just click on the title of the post to read, and find giveaway details at the bottom of the page to enter to win a free copy of the...

Questions for Exploring New Digital Tools

There are LOTS of digital tools out there that can be helpful for children's ministry leaders, and new ones are released all the time. But how do you know if a new tool or app is worthwhile? Use this list of questions to determine if a new digital tool or app is a worthwhile investment of your time and money. You won’t need to use ALL of the questions for every single tool, but they can be a good starting point to help you explore new digital tools. And if you can show your leadership that you’ve thought through these questions, sometimes having the answers can help make asking for the money easier! Download the questions here! To discover more resources to help younavigate digital discipleship in yourchildren’s ministry, check out the bookTime to Update...

6 Leadership Lessons from the Olympics

I have LOVED watching the Olympics over the last few weeks. Swimming and gymnastics are my favorite events to watch, and I'm always blown away by the level and skill of the athletes competing. The more we watched, the more I saw a few leadership lessons we as ministry leaders can learn from the Olympics. Here they are: Child discipleship is a team sport. Did you see those handoffs in the relay races or how teams work together on the beach volleyball court? Child discipleship is a team sport that requires all of us to run our race and do our part with excellence. That includes ministry leaders, parents, the church body, and even kids! How can we as ministry leaders partner with and encourage parents in their race? How can we equip volunteers and the church body as a whole to understand their roles in the faith development of children? How...

KidMin Event Planner Printable

Use this event planner printable as you're planning your next kidmin event! It provides an overview page for planning the what, when, where, who, and how of the event. Download the Planner Printable Here! This Event Planner Printable is only one of many printable planning pages found in our Complete Children’s Ministry Planner, which has everything you need to plan your children’s ministry, including tools to help you along the way. Learn more about the Complete Children’s Ministry Planner...

5 Tips for Partnering with Local Schools

If you're looking for ways to increase your impact in your community, consider partnering with your local schools! As schools prepare for back-to-school season and the return of teachers and students, your church or ministry can support families and your community in intentional ways. Here are 5 ways to build connections and partner with your local schools:  Ask and listen. Always connect with your local school administration first, asking if you can partner with the school and how you can support them. Share that you want to partner with the school and support their staff and students through prayer. Ask about the needs the school may have, and become familiar with the polices and procedures the school may have in place when it comes to faith organizations and faith conversations. Be ready to connect and listen. Do not assume you know their...

18 Ways Your Ministry Can Serve Local Schools

Use this list of ideas to have a conversation with your local schools about how your ministry can partner with and support them. Always ask where the school might have needs first, and use this list as suggestions if needed. Also, remember these 5 tips for partnering with your local schools! Download a printable version here! Ideas for meeting student needs: Reading Buddies (reading once a week for 30 minutes with a student throughout the year) Mentoring or serving as a “Lunch Buddy” weekly or monthly Food on the weekends for the food insecure Snacks and healthy food for the school “pantry” School supplies drive Clothes to be kept in the office in case of accidents Personal hygiene items Shoes and warm clothing Ideas for encouraging teachers:  Write...