New Family Ministry Info Packet Template

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Customize this Canva template to create your very own new family packet! Everything is completely customizable: the fonts, the colors, the pictures (we encourage you to use real pictures from your ministry in place of the stock photos!), the space for your ministry name/logo,etc. Save the edited version as a PDF, then print or share it digitally with any new families that interact with your ministry (brand new parents, visiting families, etc.). **Note: this is a temporary subscriber freebie! It will soon become a paid download in the DKM Marketplace, but it is available for DKM subscribers right now for free.** [/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Access the template instructions & link here!" align="center"...

5 Steps To Effectively Follow Up with Families AFTER Easter

The Easter season typically brings in visitors and guests from the community, but how many of those visitors actually come back and get plugged into your church? Sometimes the follow-up plan for staying connected with families can be more important than the initial connection, so here are 5 steps to effectively follow up with families AFTER the Easter rush... Prepare well. An effective follow-up begins before the event or special service even happens. Prepare to follow up with guests before they even walk through your doors by having a solid system in place for collecting their information with new family registration cards or online options through your check-in system. Know how and when you'll follow up with families before the event takes place so you can rest and recover after. Create a welcoming environment. Make sure your ministry...

5 Resources to Help Families Celebrate Holy Week

Easter is a big celebration each year, for families in both our church and our community. But we often get so focused on Easter Sunday that we miss the opportunity to invite families into the full Easter story and the days leading up to Easter - Holy Week. Whether your church hosts Holy Week services or not, check out these 5 resources to help families celebrate Holy Week: Sunday to Sunday Family Devotion - This brand new resource includes a printable Holy Week devotion for families that invites them to ponder, pray, and play the events of Jesus’ last week on Earth. These devotions are simple enough for busy families to complete but deep enough to help families connect with our Savior in a meaningful way. We used real pictures (not cartoons or graphics) because we want kids to know these events actually happened. They were real. And so is...

5 Ways to Welcome Young Families to Your Church

At Easter, it's common to see an influx of guests and new families. So is your church ready to welcome them? This week's guest blog post comes from Julia Ball, the creator of Equip Family and a family pastor in Newfoundland, Canada. Find her amazing resources here, and read on as Julia Ball shares 5 ways to welcome young families any time of the year, but especially during the Easter season. Can I make a confession? Before I had kids, I could never understand comments from parents that getting to church on Sundays was “hard.” I honestly wondered – how hard can it be? When my kids came along, I discovered the answer: getting to church with kids is really, really hard. At times, it feels nearly impossible. While I can’t prove it scientifically or with stats, I am convinced that Sundays are THE most difficult day of the week...

Dinner With Jesus Easter Family Activity

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Share this activity with your families to complete during or after Easter! Families will read the Road to Emmaus story in Luke 24 and then have a "dinner with Jesus". The provided discussion questions will help guide the experience, and it's a simple activity for families to do during dinner together.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Download the Dinner with Jesus Family Activity Here!" align="center" link="|target:_blank"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_single_image image="101197" img_size="full" alignment="center" onclick="custom_link" img_link_target="_blank" link=""][/vc_column][vc_column...

Glow in the Dark Event Decoration Ideas

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Whether you're hosting a Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt or another glowing event, use these ideas to help you decorate your space and tie in the glowing theme! Glow Stick Lanterns Supplies: Glow sticks, connectors Use the connectors in a kit like this one to create several glow stick lanterns to hang around your event area. They don’t provide much actual light, but they were great for marking doorways, gates, etc. Glowing Balloons Supplies: white balloons, glow sticks Blow up the white balloons, inserting 2 activated glow sticks into each one before tying it off. (Tip: blow the balloon up halfway, then quickly insert the glow sticks and continue blowing.) Using different colored glow sticks will give you a different color glowing balloon. Tie your glowing balloons up at the entrance or in...