LifeWay has created an awesome resource that we used at our volunteer training, to help shape our VBS curriculum, and more! The Levels of Biblical Learning cover 10 concept areas that children can conceptually learn and understand at each stage of their lives as they study God’s Word. These LOBL helped shape our VBS curriculum this year and they guide the curriculum we use on Sunday mornings to ensure that each age group interacts with God’s Word and ideas about faith at an age-appropriate level. It’s a great reminder that even your sweet infant can start to understand things about God, and your 2nd grader who asks all the questions is really just trying to make connections to his own life! Check out an overview of the LOBL here, and click on your child’s age group below for a full list of what our children can conceptually understand at each age!

younger preschool
middle preschool
older preschool
younger kids
middle kids

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