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VBS season is in full swing, and for us, Monday, May 21 marks the 2-week final countdown before VBS begins on June 4 (cue excited yet terrified feeling)! One of the most important parts of preparing for VBS that I willingly admit I am bad at staying on top of is prayer. Reading Priscilla Shirer’s Fervent completely revolutionized my prayer life. Fervent taught me that using Scripture and writing down my prayers can help my times of prayer be more purposeful, so I’m applying those strategies to VBS this year.

This week’s free download is a Countdown to VBS Prayer printable. I’ll be printing it this weekend, then putting it with my Bible. Starting Monday, I’ll have written, specific prayers for every day until VBS (and through the week of VBS too). I invite you to join me in prayer and use this printable to pray for your own 2-week final countdown. I hope this printable will be as much a blessing to you and your ministries as it will be to mine, and know that you are not alone in praying for your VBS. I am praying with you and for you too! 

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