Join the Resistance and get your kids hooked on a game you’ll actually want them to play! I learned about this resource last year at a Children’s Pastor’s Conference, but it has stepped up its game (no pun intended) since then and is ready for your kids to explore! The Aetherlight: Chronicles of the Resistance is an online computer game (also available for ipads I believe) that encourages kids to join the Resistance and fight the Fog that has taken over Aethasia, creating an allegory for the story of the Bible. The world of Aethasia is a mysterious steampunk land, once ruled by a benevolent Great Engineer, but now ruled by the evil emperor Lucky and his army of mechanical automatons. As a player in this world, your child is part of a Resistance seeking to restore the land and return the Great Engineer to the throne. The Aetherlight is a game your whole family will enjoy playing! When I logged on to try it out, I ended up playing for 3 hours, and I may or may not be on halfway through episode 2 (those automatons have got nothing on me!).
The Aetherlight is the most engaging Bible experience your kids will ever have, and people are calling this game the “Narnia of the digital generation”. Starting with the story of Abraham, players find themselves on an episodic adventure, allegorizing the Biblical story. Created by Scarlet City Studios in New Zealand, who are committed to providing a quality game that is fun, safe and secure, The Aetherlight will captivate today’s kids in the epic story of the Bible. It is recommended for children age 9 and up as most of the game relies on strong reading skills, and until your child is familiar with the game, they may need your help with some of the quests.
The first portion of the game is free, but to continue the game, you’ll have to pay per episode. But fear not! I’ve got several Aetherlight Episode Gift Card Codes that can be yours! The first 10 people to join our subscriber’s list and comment below with “I’ve joined the Resistance!” will receive one of these free codes to unlock the next level!
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