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I like to bless my Awana Directors for their incredible service at the end of each club year. I usually will give out gift cards for restaurants etc but one particular volunteer had a rough year and was still steadfast in her service. Her love language was quality time, so I purchased the same value gift card to a Spa nearby. I purchased one for myself as well and we enjoyed a lovely spa day together. Filled both our love tanks and refreshed our mind, body and hearts as well! it was a win!
The ones that aren’t tied to a holiday! The unexpected ones! One day I just mailed my volunteers a $5 gift card with a personal note. And it was the note that meant the world to them!!!! The personal note and the use of snail mail!
I like to bless my Awana Directors for their incredible service at the end of each club year. I usually will give out gift cards for restaurants etc but one particular volunteer had a rough year and was still steadfast in her service. Her love language was quality time, so I purchased the same value gift card to a Spa nearby. I purchased one for myself as well and we enjoyed a lovely spa day together. Filled both our love tanks and refreshed our mind, body and hearts as well! it was a win!
The ones that aren’t tied to a holiday! The unexpected ones! One day I just mailed my volunteers a $5 gift card with a personal note. And it was the note that meant the world to them!!!! The personal note and the use of snail mail!