Easter is a big celebration each year, for families in both our church and our community. But we often get so focused on Easter Sunday that we miss the opportunity to invite families into the full Easter story and the days leading up to Easter – Holy Week. Whether your church hosts Holy Week services or not, check out these 5 resources to help families celebrate Holy Week:
- Sunday to Sunday Family Devotion – This brand new resource includes a printable Holy Week devotion for families that invites them to ponder, pray, and play the events of Jesus’ last week on Earth. These devotions are simple enough for busy families to complete but deep enough to help families connect with our Savior in a meaningful way. We used real pictures (not cartoons or graphics) because we want kids to know these events actually happened. They were real. And so is Jesus. Learn more about this resource here.
- Holy Week Stones Family Resource – Holy Week Stones is a family faith kit that involves reading a devotion each day during Holy Week and painting a stone that corresponds with each day. From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, families will read a devotion each day. Then they will paint a symbol of that story on a stone. Families can then display their stones around their homes to remind them of Jesus’ last week of life. Learn more about this resource here.
- Sense of Holy Week Family Event – Take kids and families on a sensory experience through Jesus’ last days on earth from the Triumphal Entry to the Empty Tomb. Using their five senses, kids explore items and events leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. Learn more about this resource here.
- Amazing Race Holy Week Kids Team Game – While enjoying a fun Amazing-Race style game to different locations in the story of Holy Week, kids will learn about Jesus’ last week on earth. Kids will be given clues to take them from location to location. In order to receive their clues, they must perform a task (game, activity, review, etc.) at each station. Their race will finally land them at the empty tomb where you can celebrate the fact that He is risen indeed! Learn more about this event here.
- Draw & Explore Activity Pages: These Draw and Explore Bible activity pages are a great way to combine art and the Bible. Each page includes a short description and Scripture passage for one of ten different images illustrating various parts of Holy Week from Palm Sunday to the trial of Jesus. Each page also features an image on a grid that children can use to complete their own version of the picture on blank and half-image grids provided. Choose the page(s) you want to use to complement your Holy Week lesson or service, or send the book home for kids to complete the entire book! Find Part 1 (Palm Sunday to the Trial of Jesus) here, and find Part 2 (Good Friday to the Ascension) here.
BONUS: Easter Week Walk – Don’t let the celebrations stop with Easter Sunday. This family devotion is for the week AFTER Easter, and is based around the story of the Road to Emmaus in Luke 24. After reading the narrative on Day 1, families will participate in daily activities to make the truth of Easter come alive and realize all that Jesus has done for them. Learn more about this resource here.
Looking for more Easter resources? Find them here.
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