Racism is a sin.

In an episode of The Kids Ministry Collective Podcast, Mahogany Dudley-Finley labels racism for what it is: a sin. She encourages children’s ministry leaders to recognize that and then approach teaching about racism the same way we teach children about other sins. (Listen to the full podcast episode here.)

As we examine our own hearts regarding racism and equip the families we lead to do the same, here are some resources to facilitate conversations and change on a personal, communal, and global level:

While parents and leaders may not know where to start, children’s books on the subject offer great conversation starters! Disclaimer: I have not read all of these books, but I have ordered several to use in my own home. The links below take you to Amazon, though some books are temporarily out of stock, and I encourage you to search your local bookstore for a copy of the book.

AGES 0-2:

AGES 3-6:

AGES 7-10:

If we want to lead our families and church members well, we have to check our own hearts too. Use these books to deepen your own knowledge and understanding of race issues. Disclaimer: I have read some, but not all of these books. The links below take you to Amazon, though some books are temporarily out of stock, and I encourage you to search your local bookstore for a copy of the book.


Reading Lists:

I’ve listened to these podcasts and really enjoyed their perspectives and insight. I’ll add more as I have the opportunity to listen to more.

Organizations & Websites to Explore:

  • Be the Bridge – In addition to reading some of the books listed above, this is the main resource I’m using in my own education. I highly encourage you to spend some time exploring their website and social media accounts!
  • Black Lives Matter
  • One Race Movement


Other Helpful Articles:

One way to broaden your inclusivity and learn from others is by “auditing” your social media feeds. Who do you follow? What leaders are you learning from? Here’s a list of organizations or leaders of color that we can support and learn from:

Though I have not watched all of the shows listed here, they’ve been added to my to-watch list! They are all available on Netflix. Note: From the previews I’ve seen, they are not all suitable for children, so be sure to screen them yourself before watching with kids.

  • Explained: The Racial Wealth Gap (to help understand the concept of “white privilege”)
  • Time: The Kalief Browder Story (true crime docuseries – the story of a teenager wrongfully charged with theft and jailed at Riker’s Island prison for over 1,000 days)
  • When They See Us (true crime docuseries – based on the Central Park jogger case. 5 teenage boys wrongfully convicted of a crime they did not commit
  • 13th (documentary – analyzing the criminalization of African Americans and the U.S. prison boom)
  • Who killed Malcolm X? (an insight into Malcolm X, his beliefs and his mysterious death)

As a believer, I am heartbroken over injustice in all its forms and praying for the peace that will only come through racial reconciliation.

As a ministry leader, I am wrestling with how we equip our churches to help kids and families tackle racism in a Biblical way.

As a white woman living in a suburb of Atlanta, I am doing what I can to educate myself and take peaceful action alongside my BIPOC friends.

As a mom, I am researching tools, books, and daily habits I can use to help raise my daughter to love and respect all people.

As a human, I am on the side of love, even when that means confronting my own discomfort.


  1. […] My worldview is smaller than I believed, and I still have more to learn. […]

  2. […] Maybe you’re wrestling with your own understanding of racial injustice and aren’t sure how to equip your families to move toward racial reconciliation too. […]

  3. Hello there, Can I share this resource with the Children and family ministry network facebook?

    • Feel free to copy and paste the link to share the post with whoever you think could benefit from it! Thanks for asking!

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