This morning I had plans to pull together a lesson, work on another free download for all of you, and read a few chapters for seminary homework.

But God kept interrupting my focus with the song below, and He used it to remind me of a lesson I’ve been learning over the past year.

I so often confuse productivity with movement, action, and results, which leads me to believe the lie that spending time in prayer is unproductive. I know that’s not true, but there’s often a sneaky little voice in my head that reminds me of everything else I could be doing instead. I’m working on silencing that lie and retraining my brain to accept the idea that creating stillness is a form of spiritual productivity.

I’ve learned that when God interrupts my plans for the day, I better pay attention, so I took a break to listen to this song. And do you know what happened? I ended up spending almost an hour worshipping God, praising Him, and celebrating this glorious day.

In the midst of my to-do list, I needed the reminder that time spent in worship and in prayer is not time wasted.

So today, join me in taking the most fruitful break you could ever take: put on your favorite worship song or find a quiet spot to yourself and let’s praise our God.

It may be the most productive thing you do all day.

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