As the year winds down, it’s easy for children’s ministry leaders to shift into survival mode (or maybe you’ve already been in survival mode since Thanksgiving). Between holiday events, family commitments, and the regular demands of ministry, December can feel overwhelming. But what if instead of just surviving, we made it our goal to finish the year strong? To actually enjoy this season and set ourselves up for success in the next year?

Here are some practical steps to help you end the year like a KidMin Pro and set the stage for January.

  1. Celebrate – Take time to celebrate all God has done in your ministry this year. What were the big wins? What prayers were answered? Celebrate those victories with your team, volunteers, and even your congregation. This might look like sharing a year-in-review video during a Sunday service, writing thank-you notes to your volunteers and highlighting their contributions. or hosting a small appreciation party or sending holiday treats to your team. Celebration builds momentum and reminds everyone of the purpose behind the work. (Psst- Use this Sunday Celebrations journal to keep track of your celebrations throughout the year to make this step super easy! Some leaders are even putting one journal in each classroom/small group and asking volunteers to fill it out each week. Find the downloadable version here and the print version here!)
  2. Review and Evaluate – Use this time to evaluate the year’s programs, events, and strategies. What worked well? What could be improved? Involve your team in the evaluation process and ask for their honest feedback. Consider sending a survey to volunteers and families to gather input, putting a brainstorming session on the calendar to refine plans for next year, and reviewing attendance, engagement, and feedback data to identify trends. Reflection and evaluation provide a foundation for growth and improvement in the new year.
  3. Plan for the Future – Either take time now to plan for the new year, or block out time on your calendar after Christmas is over to think and pray about the new year. Use this time to pray about your ministry and map out key events, curriculum series, volunteer trainings, and other big dates. Having a clear vision for the year ahead not only reduces stress but also inspires your team. And we’re making it easy this year! Join us on EITHER Wednesday, December 11, 2024 from 1:00-2:30pm EST OR Thursday, January 2, 2025 for an online prayer and planning workshop where we’ll map out your ministry year. Plan a whole year in just 90 minutes! Let’s kick off 2025 by taking a look at the year ahead, discussing best practices for developing a year-long ministry strategy, and mapping out potential dates for the entire year, whether that’s 2025 or the 2025-2026 school year. Learn more and register here. Enjoy your Christmas knowing you can jump right into planning at this workshop!
  4. Prioritize Rest – It’s tempting to work overtime to make every event perfect, but your spiritual and emotional health matters. Model the importance of rest to your team by setting boundaries and prioritizing your relationship with God. Block out time for personal quiet moments with God during the busy season (This Advent devotional was written specifically with kidmin leaders in mind). Take a day off after a major event to recover and reset, and take extended time off for the Christmas holiday if you can. Delegate tasks and rely on your team so you’re not carrying the entire load alone.
  5. End the Year with Gratitude – As you reflect on God’s faithfulness and the work He’s done through your ministry, don’t forget to express your gratitude to Him. Spend time in prayer thanking Him for His provision and asking for guidance for the coming year. Encourage your team and families to do the same. In the midst of the hustle and bustle, slow down to thank God for who He is and what He’s done.

Finishing the year like a pro isn’t about checking every item off your to-do list. It’s about ending the year with a sense of purpose, reflection, and expectation for what God will do next. As you celebrate victories, evaluate your ministry, and prepare for the next year, remember that your work has eternal value. 

See you on December 11 OR January 2 as we pray, plan, and map out the year together! 

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