It may only be October, but Christmas is coming! I don’t know about you, but I’ve already started listening to Christmas music. 🙂

The Christmas season can be one of the most joyful—and hectic—times in children’s ministry. With all the excitement of celebrating Jesus’ birth, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos. But planning ahead can help you lead your ministry well and ensure the focus stays on the true meaning of Christmas.

So here are 5 ways to prepare for Christmas in Your KidMin:

  1. Start early. Starting early is key. December will be here before we know it, especially when juggling multiple events, lessons, and volunteer coordination. Begin planning for Christmas as early as October (or even earlier if you’re able!). This will give you time to prepare Jesus-centered lessons (find our favorite Christmas curriculum here), gather materials for crafts and Christmas Eve, and finalize special event details (more on that later). Plus, starting early helps reduce your own stress so you can enjoy the season too!
  2. Think about the family’s experience at home. Christmas is one of the best times to partner with parents and encourage faith-building at home. Consider ways you can equip families to celebrate the birth of Jesus, have fun, and create special Christmas memories together. Whether it’s through an Advent devotional, a “birthday party for Jesus” kit, or simple activities that align with your lessons, thinking about the family experience beyond Sunday mornings can deepen their understanding of the season. Find our favorite at-home Christmas Family Resources here.
  3. Finalize plans for special event(s). Special Christmas events, like a nativity play, a service project, or a family Christmas adventure, are a perfect way to engage kids and their families during this season. Make sure you finalize plans for any event early, including schedules, volunteer roles, and promotional materials. Be intentional about the purpose behind your events—ensure they clearly communicate the good news of Jesus’ birth while also creating a fun, memorable experience for the kids and their families. And don’t feel pressure to add too many things to the calendar. This season is a busy time of year for families, and they don’t need (or want) too much more added to the calendar. Find all our favorite Christmas Events here.
  4. Celebrate your volunteers. Christmas is a great time to show appreciation to your KidMin volunteers! They’ve poured so much time and energy into your ministry throughout the year, so take this opportunity to celebrate them. Consider hosting a volunteer Christmas party, giving out small gifts of appreciation, or writing personal thank-you notes. A little recognition goes a long way in letting them know how valued they are, especially during a busy season. These resources will help make it easy for you.
  5. Plan time for rest. The hustle and bustle of Christmas can wear out even the most dedicated ministry leader, so don’t forget to plan time for rest. Schedule intentional downtime for yourself and your team so that you can recharge physically, emotionally, and spiritually. After all, the Christmas season is meant to be a time of peace and reflection, and you can’t lead others to a place of peace if you’re running on empty. One of the best ways to plan for rest weekly? Check out our newest Advent Devotional for KidMin Leaders and spend time weekly focusing your heart and mind on the reason of the season.

Christmas is a special time of year – for everyone in your ministry. By keeping these 5 tips in mind, you can prepare your heart—and your ministry—to make this Christmas one to remember.

Find a sneak peek at our newest Christmas resources for your kidmin here! 

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