From planning to volunteers to follow-up, here are 6 resources to help make your VBS a success!

VBS Master To-Do List Printable

Take your VBS planning to the next level with this printable fill-in-the-blank VBS plan. Go from sleepless nights, wondering if you got all the details in place to waking well-rested and refreshed because you know where your VBS stands.

VBS Prayer Countdown

While you do need to cut crafts, build sets, and email volunteers, one of the most important parts of preparing for VBS is prayer. This free Countdown to VBS Prayer printable will help you focus your heart, mind, and prayers on various aspects of VBS in the coming weeks. Print it for yourself, share it with your VBS team, and cover VBS week in intentional prayer!

Medical & Media Release Forms

Collect all the important information you need from families using these customizable forms! Includes a registration form with medical release and media release elements so you can safely care for the children at your VBS and share pictures of the fun online.

Student Volunteer Package

While this package is for youth (middle-high schoolers) who volunteer in your ministry in general, it’s a great tool to help prepare them specifically for VBS, especially when you have more than your “regular” volunteers!

Salvation Follow Up Letter

VBS can be a special time to present the gospel to kids and offer a time to accept salvation in Jesus. Use this follow-up letter to connect with parents of kids who make this important decision at VBS!

VBS Feedback Forms

You may think the most important parts of VBS end after the kids go home on the last day. But there’s still a piece of the puzzle you can’t leave out: gathering feedback. So now that you’ve torn down decorations, appreciated your volunteers, and thrown away the leftover name tags, use these simple forms to help you gather feedback on the biggest week of the summer. Includes forms for both participants and volunteers.

    One Comment

  1. […] VBS 2020 will soon be upon us, and while your planning this year may look different because of the coronavirus, you’ll need to thank your volunteers no matter what VBS becomes. Use these 2 thank you card designs (tailored to a construction VBS theme and a train VBS theme) to show your volunteers some love! Just print on cardstock, cut, and write a VBS-themed thank you note to each person on your team! And be sure to check out our list of resources to help make your VBS a success! […]

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