I like having a plan just as much (if not more) than the average leader, but if you serve in ministry (especially children’s ministry), then you know that being flexible and able to adapt to a constantly-changing situation is vital. Sometimes the plans have to change. So as you’re planning your calendar year (use this Calendar Planning Checklist to help balance the year!), always plan in pencil so you can be adaptable and flexible when plans have to change.

Here are some situations in KidMin when I’ve had to be flexible (some amusing, some not so much)…

  • When the previously sunny skies unexpectedly turn into rain, meaning you won’t be heading to the park for your Fall Scavenger Hunt Preschool Playdate.
  • When no one signs up or shows up for an event you’ve scheduled. (No shame – this really happened.)
  • When you show up at the fire station for your Preschool Playdate tour and they get called away to an emergency. (True story – they were back within 20 minutes, so we killed time by praying for the firefighters and those they were helping and by playing on the playground!)
  • When that volunteer texts you on Saturday night that they won’t be in the next morning. (We’ve all been here.)
  • When you planned hours of organized games but the kids just want to stack and knock down towers of solo cups. (That’s OK – Let It Snow Parents’ Night Out was still a great night!)
  • When the technology decides to boycott you 10 minutes before service starts.
  • When the high school where you meet lets you know a month before VBS that we can no longer use the building because it will be under construction for the summer. (Hooray for mobile ministry!)
  • When you walk into the building on Sunday mornings and the floors are flooded with 2 inches of water from a rainstorm that weekend.
  • When you walk into the elementary room and it’s filled with giant gongs and tubas for the high school band. (Again, hooray for mobile ministry!)

Just remember, kidmin leader, never plan in pen. Always plan in pencil. 🙂


  1. […] it doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming. So grab your calendar and a pencil (because we never plan in pen), and let’s jump in to map out your ministry […]

  2. […] Never Plan in Pen – Deeper KidMin January 6, 2020 Log in to Reply […]

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