Helping Families Navigate Conversations About the Violence in Ukraine

Last year, the Lent season began around the 1-year-anniversary of the onset of a global pandemic.
This year, the Lent season begins alongside an eruption of violence and chaos in the country of Ukraine that has ripple effects worldwide.
Both situations (and all of the others that have happened in between) pull us out of our normal routines and force us to look both inward and outward. Janel Cubbage, a psychotherapist and Bloomberg Fellow with Johns Hopkins, recently tweeted:
Respectfully, after the last two years I think we’re beyond the “is anyone else having trouble concentrating with everything going on” phase and need to be asking why we’re upholding a culture that expects us to carry on business as usual.
Lent is historically a season to focus on suffering, confession, fasting, and prayer. It's a season when we're supposed to...