Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to not only teach kids about God’s love but to create space for kids to experience God’s love too! These Valentine Resources can help…
Help Kids & Families Experience God's Love Through Prayer...
God’s Conversation Hearts is a Scripture-based prayer prompt pack that’s perfect for the Valentine season! A family resource designed for ages toddler-preteen, these 30 printable cards invite kids and families to experience God’s love this Valentine’s Day through special conversations with Him. Each Conversation Heart Card includes a conversation heart, a corresponding Scripture, and a simple prayer prompt for any (and every) age. Each day in February (or any time frame you choose), families draw a card, read the Bible verse, and use the prayer prompt to have a conversation with God. These cards are a simple but powerful way to help families create faith habits at home – and they’re ridiculously easy for families to implement! Download this brand-new-for-2023 resource here.
The Love One Another Valentine lesson uses self-guided prayer stations and John 15:5-12 to invite kids to experience God’s love, think about how we should love one another, and stay connected to Jesus. Love One Another includes 10 prayer stations that encourage kids to explore God’s Word, spend time in prayer, and consider ways to love one another. This 80-minute lesson includes game time, worship time with suggested songs, a Bible lesson, 10 prayer stations/worship response stations, and small group discussion time. Learn more here.
Other prayer station lessons include Love Never Fails, focusing on 1 Corinthians 13, and Love God, Love People, focusing on the 10 Commandments.
Help the families you serve talk to God with this unique Family Prayer Guide. Especially great for the month of February or Valentine’s Day, this love-themed resource will guide families through 6 unique and simple prayer activities that will help them grow a habit of talking to God. Each prayer activity is meant to bring families before God and find unique ways to express their love for God, all while cultivating a habit of prayer. The activities require minimal time and supplies, so even the busiest families can make room for these prayer activities in their schedules. Learn more about Love Notes to God here.
Invite kids and famlies to "slice into" God's love with this unique Valentine devotional!
Scripture Pizza involves reading a Bible verse each day about God’s love, writing the verse onto a pizza slice, and then creating a Scripture pizza! Every day families will add a slice of God’s love to the pizza to create a whole pie! This is a simple, hands-on way to read and write God’s Word. It’s a fun activity for kids that will help them learn about God’s love for us, and it’s a unique approach to a Valentine devotional. Learn more about Scripture pizza here.
Another awesome February Family Faith Kit to check out is This I Know, a 4-week Valentine’s devotional for kids and families that focuses on 4 stories in the New Testament that help them know that Jesus loves them. Learn more about This I Know here.
Send families on a secret mission to find God's love!
Encourage your families to spend time talking about what the Bible says about love and to be intentional in showing love with this Family Night Secret Agent-themed kit. Secret Mission: Love has everything you need to make a secret mission kit to send home to your families that allows them to discover what God says about love and to be intentional about showing it to others! Learn more here.
Help kids SHOW God's love with a Service Project!
Operation Valentine is a Valentine-themed service project for kids that’s a perfect way to help kids to put 1 John 4:19 into action! This download includes everything you need to execute a successful service project with kids for collecting, packing, and distributing care packages to residents of a local nursing home, or you can modify the details to put together care packages for the local fire station, hospital, police station, etc. Download Operation Valentine here.
Host a Valentine event your whole church will love!
This Valentine’s Day, give the parents in your ministry a night out without the kids. Host a Parents’ Night Out (PNO) where you have youth or empty nesters watch the children while their parents enjoy 4 hours of children-free time. You basically throw one big party for the kids, use youth as your volunteers, and the parents have a night out for dinner and a movie, running errands, or just relaxing at home with no kids! In this Valentine-themed event, kids learn about 1 John 4:19 and how we can show love to others because God loved us first. Learn more here.
Easy printables to engage kids:
Click on each image below to learn more about that printable resource!
Valentine Games!
Have some fun this Valentine’s Day with these Valentine games!
Send some love in the mail...
Share God's love with some sweet treats!
And don't forget about your volunteers!
Give your volunteers some love this Valentine’s Day with a simple gift. It’s always a good time to let your volunteers know how much you appreciate them, and with this week’s free printable, it’ll only take you a few minutes of prep work to thank them for being the heart of your ministry. I heard about this idea at a breakout session with Kathie Phillips, the brilliant KidMin leader and author behind KidMinspiration. Download this resource here.
P.S. Since Valentine's Day is so close to the beginning of Lent...
P.S. If you’re thinking ahead to Lent too, we’ve got you covered! I’ve highlighted a few resources below, but you can find all of our Lent resources here.
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