Thanks for joining me as we talked about Connecting with Kids Throughout the Week! Below you’ll find a brief overview of what we talked about, along with links to the free downloads I mentioned! Have more questions? Email me at brittany@deeperkidmin.com.
There are 168 hours in a week. You get to see kids for 1 of those hours (if they come). What will you do with the other 167 hours in a week to connect with kids?
Crew Cards – Send some good, old-fashioned snail mail! Make it a goal that every child in your ministry receives a handwritten note from you/someone on your team at least once a year, if not once a semester. Use a system like Crew Cards (download your free copy here) to help you get your whole team on board!
Connect with Parents – Connecting with kids often means connecting with their parents. Connect with parents through digital means like email, texting, and social media. Encourage and equip parents for faith conversations at home. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Bible-based Family At-Home Event
- Family Devotionals for Mother’s Day, The Armor of God, Fruit of the Spirit, Summer Adventure through Exodus, Baking Through the Bible, or this free family guide for spending time with Jesus daily.
- Prayer Challenge
- Bible-Reading Challenge
- Resources that help with Bible skills, like a Bible House Hunt or monthly memory verse cards
- Resources that help parents have meaningful conversations about tough topics or around the dinner table
- Help families have intentional fun together with something like Summer Family Bingo or Summer Family Challenge
- Help families celebrate milestones and seasons with resources from Vanessa Myers
Explore all of our family ministry resources here.
Step Into Their World – Get out of your office and out of the church. Learn about the rhythms and seasons of life for your families, then find ways to be part of them. Create individualized engagement whenever you can and come up with a system for tracking it. If your schools are allowing guests, use this free lunch at school printable to help you connect with kids at school lunch!
Remember, you’re not alone! – Invite your entire team to be part of connecting with kids throughout the week. Set up systems and strategies for equipping your volunteers.
Practical Action Step: Ultimately, we have to make connecting with kids outside of Sunday mornings a priority. Schedule time in your calendar right now to choose one of the ideas we talked about and spend time intentionally thinking through how to make it a reality.